Celebrating 19 Years as Barrington’s Signature Magazine

May / June 2023 Issue

About This Issue

Our Arts & Culture issue covers local, national, and global talent and much more. On our cover is a local artist who returned to art showing wonderful results in her work. With a nod to painter Vincent van Gogh, South Barrington artist Pooja Chatterji creates oil paintings in vibrant color and with bold brushstrokes that reflect her adventurous travels around the world. (Photo: Linda M. Barrett)

The C. R. Stewart “Britfield” Interview

C. R. Stewart, creator of the exciting “Britfield” book series, offered us an exclusive interview for our Quintessential Barrington readers. This series has launched a fast-paced global movement of high-quality, middle school–to–young adult content that is reigniting a love of literature in students, parents, and educators.

What’s New at QB


Honoring Brigid Tileston

This is Brigid Tileston’s magnum opus. Since her start as Barrington 220’s first art director across the entire district in July 2015, she has revolutionized the arts department with her staff of 50 art teachers and the thousands of supportive parents and boosters.



QB Magazine reaches a loyal readership of 80,000 with each issue.  Contact us about advertising at 847-381-3860 or email lisa@qbarrington.com.

Businesses We Recommend

Who’s Who in Health & Wellness

Your guide to the best local health care providers.

Who’s Who in Home Design

Your guide to the best home and garden design professionals in the greater Barrington area.



The Colorful World of Pooja Chatterji

With a nod to painter Vincent van Gogh, South Barrington artist Pooja Chatterji creates oil paintings in vibrant color and with bold brushstrokes that reflect her adventurous travels around the world.

Art Appreciation

Barrington High School students showcase their talents and training in the fine, visual, and performing arts.

When Tom and Sarah Saved the World

The Britfield book series has launched a fast-paced global movement of high-quality, middle school-to-young adult content that is reigniting a love of literature in students, parents, and educators.

Here to Play

Barrington’s Parker Players Theater Company has found its new home at The Barrington and is here to stay.

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